We’ve explored who Jesus is, but what did he come to do? What was his mission on earth? The Gospel of Luke gives us a clear picture of Jesus’ purpose—not just through his words but through his actions.
Jesus Came to Proclaim the Kingdom
In Luke 4, Jesus launches his ministry by preaching in synagogues across Galilee. Before this, he is baptized by John the Baptist and tested in the wilderness. These events set the stage for his mission. When Jesus begins preaching, he isn’t just teaching moral lessons—he is proclaiming the kingdom of God.
Jesus Takes Back Ground from the Enemy
Jesus’ ministry wasn’t just about words. It was about power. Luke 4:33-41 shows us how Jesus cast out demons, healed the sick, and performed miracles. These acts weren’t just displays of compassion or supernatural power—they were signs that the kingdom of God was advancing, reclaiming space from the dominion of darkness.
"Jesus didn’t just preach the kingdom—he demonstrated it. Every healing, every exorcism, every miracle was taking ground back from the enemy."
Like a team gaining yards toward a touchdown or an army reclaiming territory, Jesus was taking back what the enemy had stolen.
Jesus Calls Others to Join His Mission
In Luke 5, we see Jesus shift from demonstrating the kingdom to inviting others into the work. He calls Simon Peter, James, and John—ordinary fishermen—to follow him. He shows his power through a miraculous catch of fish, leading Peter to fall at his feet in awe.
"Jesus invites us to follow him—not just as spectators but as participants in his kingdom work."
Peter, James, and John leave everything behind to follow Jesus. Why? Because they recognize that his mission is worth everything.
We Are Called to Continue Jesus’ Work
Jesus didn’t finish the kingdom work—he started it. The mission of establishing God’s kingdom was passed on to his disciples, then to Paul, and eventually to us.
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul reminds the church in Corinth of the gospel he received and passed on to them: that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again—all according to the Scriptures. This is the message we are called to proclaim.
"Fishing for people means passing on the good news—the gospel—of Jesus."
Jesus came to establish his kingdom, and now, we are the ones called to carry that mission forward.
Are We Ready to Establish His Kingdom?
We cannot separate the proclamation of the good news from the lives and work of God’s people. Our lives should be a testimony to Jesus and his kingdom. The question is: are we ready?
"Our job is to establish his kingdom."
Are we ready to be the ones who proclaim and live out the gospel? Are we ready to take part in Jesus’ mission? Because that’s our calling—to establish his kingdom in our world today.