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Telling the greatest story ever told.

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We're telling the greatest story every told this Easter, and we believe it will change your life!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Sunrise Service | 8 AM

Easter Day Worship | 10 AM

Full Holy Week Schedule

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Maundy Thursday Service | 7 PM

Maundy Thursday remembers Jesus' final meal with this disciples, which is often called the Last Supper. It was at this meal that Jesus institution the practice of Holy Communion.


Our Maundy Thursday service remembers this final meal through Scripture reading, reflection, prayer, and by serving communion. The service ends with the stripping of the alter, where the alter and platform area are stripped of all items and dressings like Jesus on night of his arrest.


The congregation is then dismissed in silence.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Community Good Friday Service | 12 PM

Rather than having our own Good Friday service, we participate in the community service sponsored by the Decatur Ministerial Association.


This year's service is hosted by St. Mark's Church.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Carry-in Easter Breakfast | 8:45 AM

Easter Egg Hunt | 9:15 AM

What about my kids?

Sunday, March 31, 2024

One of our core convictions is that children are the future of the faith. We believe that children are able to put their best foot forward on the way of Jesus when they worship with their family throughout childhood.


For this reason, we encourage children to sit with their families during the worship service. We absolutely welcome the sounds of children in our worship.


We do have several parts of Easter Sunday that are especially for kids:


On Easter Sunday we'll have an Easter Egg hunt at 9:15 AM in our fellowship hall. Kids 5th grade and under are encouraged to participate.


We understand that sometimes parents just need a break. We offer a volunteer staffed nursery for kids under age 4 during the 10 AM Worship Service


There is no childcare during the 8 AM Sunrise Service, but families are encouraged to attend and worship together.


We DO NOT have Sunday School on Easter Sunday.

Thursday, March 29, 2024

There is no childcare during the 7 PM Maundy Thursday service. Instead, families are encouraged to attend and sit together for the worship service.

Got more questions? Send us your questions using the button below and we'll get back to you.

Where We Meet

Our address is 7494 North 600 West Decatur, Indiana 46733.

General Questions

Is your service traditional or contemporary? At a glance, our service will feel very much like a traditional church service. There are, however, several ways in which our service is less traditional: 1. We use a projector to make song lyrics, scripture, and prayers more accessible for the congregation. 2. We sing contemporary worship songs throughout the year along side traditional hymns. Our music selection comes down to what fits the goal of the service, so the music we use differs from week to week. 3. We have at least one song led on the acoustic guitar most weeks. 4. We strive to use everyday language in our service, which includes using the New International Version Bible translation. Our aim is to draw from the rich history of Christian worship, while using the language and technology of our contemporary culture.

What is the service like? Our Sunday Worship service is about one hour long and has the following structure: Our service begins by gathering us to worship when the bell rings at 10 AM. Then one of our youth will light the alter candles and Pastor Chris will welcome the congregation and make several annoucements. The service then begins with an openining song sang by the congregation. Then Pastor Chris leads the congregation in saying together a call to worship and a prayer calling on God to join and cleanse his people for worship. When then have another song followed by the prayer appointed for the week. We then transision into the next part of the service devoted to hearing the word of God. During this section several scripture passaged are read from the Revised Common Lectionary, including a Psalm that is read responsivly by the congregation. Next comes the sermon. After the sermon we transition into a time of response to the word of God. We respond first by confessing the Aposotles' Creed. We then have the Prayers of God's People followed by a Confession of Sin. Next we collect an offering. It's at this point that we have Holy Communion roughly once a month (please see the question specficially about communion for more information). The service then wraps up by sending the congregation back into the world with a closing song and final blessing.

What do people wear? For the most part people wear what makes them most comfortable these days. Some people still wear a tie and blazor or slacks and a nicer blouse--what you might call business casual--but gone are the days of suits, ties, dresses, and church hats. We want you to come in what makes you comfortable. We will mention that during Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter Pastor Chris can be seen wearing an alb duirng the service. He does this to mark these seasons in the church calendar as specifically important. Other times throughout the year he wears a clergy shirt with a white tab collar.

Can I receive communion? Absolutely! We believe that the communion table is God's and God's alone. We're not going to stop you from coming to God's table. However, we do believe that communion is an encounter with Jesus. If you plan to come to his talbe, we only ask that you do so prepared to open your heart to him.

What is the preaching like? Our preaching draws from the church calendar, and follows the Revised Common Lectionary for the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. During the summer months--called ordinary time in the church calendar--we often study books of the Bible or focus on important sections of scripture, like the Sermon on the Mount or the parables of Jesus. No matter which season of the year, sermons are betwen 15-25 mintues and they are written to be rooted in scripture and spoken into everyday life. We hope each sermons connects the bible to your life in a way that challenges you to grow.

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Tell us you're coming!

If you decided to visit, please fill out this form. We'd love to know you are coming!

Do you have any children who will be attending with you?
Do you plan to attend breakfast and the egg hunt?
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